MIAMI (CBSMiami) – University of Miami Hurricanes football player Dyron Dye will once again face investigators from the NCAA Tuesday over statements he has given during the investigation into claims made by disgraced booster Nevin Shapiro.
Dye recanted many points he gave in an original statement given to NCAA investigator Rich Johanningmeir, according to Dye supports former UM assistant coach Aubrey Hill, but by changing his testimony, could open himself up for an ethical violation charge from the NCAA, according to the report.
Dye’s interview with the NCAA comes just a few weeks before the Hurricanes will appear before the NCAA Committee on Infractions to answer the charges brought by NCAA investigators. Miami faces several charges including the dreaded lack of institutional control.
But, the NCAA’s investigation into the claims made by Shapiro has been littered with problems. Multiple internal and external reviews of the investigation led to some of the evidence against UM being thrown out for violations of NCAA rules dealing with investigations.
Dye’s decision to recant the original testimony came about because he felt that he “could not recall” the specific details the investigator asked about and the player said he felt “intimidated” by the investigator.
The Shapiro case has been ongoing for more than two years after an explosive expose was published by Yahoo! Sports. Shapiro’s credibility has been destroyed through multiple hearings and his most recent admission that he perjured himself in a recent case.
Much of the NCAA’s evidence relies on Shapiro’s word which could be a mitigating factor for the University as it mounts its defense in front of the NCAA’s COI.